Friday, July 3, 2009

Time is all we have...

My first request is don't read this blog if you are busy. There is nothing special or important in this blog. So read it only when you are free.
I know all you people are very busy these days . If you are so busy that you are not able to be in touch with loved ones, then take five min off from your busy schedule and think about the way you are living. There is no point in living life if you are living without your loved ones.
Thought of telling you a story. You might have heard this many times, but don't make that as a excuse to skip this blog from reading.
Once a professor showed a box to his students and asked them to fill it with big stones. His students filled the box completely with big stones. After that professor asked his students, " Is this Box Full ?"
Students replied, " Yes, Its completely Full. There is no space left".
So professor got some small stones and put all small stones into that box. All Small stones made their way into box. So he filled the box with small and big stones. Now he asked Students " Is this Box Full ?"
Students replied, " Yes, Its completely Full. There is no space left".
Now he poured lot of sand into that box. Box was able to take in lot of sand.So he stuffed the box with sand completely. Sand filled all the space left by Small and big stones.
Now he asked Students " Is this Box Full ?"
Students replied, " Yes, Its completely Full. Definetly There is no more space left".
He took a cup of coffee and poured that into box. Box was able to take a cup of coffee inside.
Thats the end of the story. :)
You might be thinking What is so special about that story?
THis box is us and space inside that is the time we have in this life.
Big Stones are things for which we live. Things without which our life becomes vacant or baseless. So we spend our life because of these things. These things may be anything depending on individual priority. These things are parents, siblings, friends, passion for something, satisfaction from life, your dreams, a childhood friend, your spouse, Health, MBA, .etc . For me its My parents, My relatives, small bunch of friends, My health, More than anything satisfaction in life. I always prefer doing something in which i get satisfaction.
Small stones are those which helps us to keep big stones intact. These things are important but we can live without that, These things may be Job, Social status, Wealth, Social contacts, Acquaintances, Entertainment etc.
Sand is small things which has no value in our life. Like transportation, daily routines,
So its very important to put big stones into box first. If we fill the box with Small stones or Sand first, then we can't put Big Stones into box. Just means that it is very important to give time in life to things which are of high priority for us. We live our life for these things, If we lose any of these stones, then we are losing some thing very big.
Once you are sure you have given enough time for high priority tasks, then give time for small stones. If we lose any of these, we are losing something but we can do without that.
So after big and small stones comes the turn of giving time to sand. In fact in life we will always have time to do these things.
Oh I forgot to tell about that Cup of Coffee. It does not matter how much the box is full? there will be always space for a cup of coffee. Like that It does not matter how much busy you are? there will be always time to have cup of coffee with your loved ones.
Actually I wrote this in a hurry. So a apology for all spelling and grammatical mistakes.

More than a year has passed since I wrote this and now I have realized that setting proper priorities in life does not mean everything is on track. It becomes very difficult to hold on to few things even If you give MAXIMUM Priority.

1 comment:

Amritha Bhat said...

lovely post.. :) u had narrated this to me...