Wednesday, April 1, 2009

People in my inner circle...

In my life i came across so many people but there are only few who are special to me. There are only few with whom i want stay till the end. Lets call them "people in my inner circle". God has chosen most of them for me i.e they are my blood relatives. So i have to thank god because he has chosen some wonderful people to be in my inner circle. Except these god chosen relatives of mine there are very few people whom i find very special. Some of those became special to me in my first meeting with them and some people became special without my knowledge. Just at some point of time i realised that this guy/girl whom i know from such a long time is special for me.

How will i know that a person is special to me?
  • If a person is in some problem and if that fact really troubles me then that person is special to me.

  • If i am ready to do anything to get that person out of trouble then that person is special to me.

  • If i miss someone when i am extremely happy then definitely he/she is special to me.

  • If i get a good news and first thing i want to do is to share with someone then he/she is special to me.

I think out of our family we will find very few people who are special to us. Actually 90% of people will not find anyone. We might have good friends in all stages of life but only few people will have same friends in all stages of life. In my case there are only few people whom i can call as my friends. They are my friends for many years now and continue to be my friends for many more years to come. Actually i can count then with my fingers. The number is so less because i am not good in making friendships. I take a lot of time to get close to someone. But if someone enters my inner circle then he will be there for many years.